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Primary School Desks


Granting for Institutions

Training Centers:

• Waldorf Teacher Training Centers applying for a grant are to hold “Full Member” status in AWSNA/WECAN


• Our grants to institutions are primarily intended to support Waldorf Teacher Training programs, Eurythmy training,
   Arts & Crafts, etc.


• We prefer to help individuals who have completed their first year of training and  ask that our funds be designated
   as grants for students most in need


• If not already on file, include a statement of the organization’s non-discriminatory policies regarding hiring/admissions and
   proof of 501(c)(3)


• Include the amount of funding being requested and a statement of needs and specific use of funds
Are grants being sought for this purpose elsewhere?


• Include income and expense statement and balance sheet for the previous fiscal year (An audit or auditors’ review for that
   period may be substituted.)


• Include a DEI statement and programs/coursework/activity on campus


• The deadline for receiving the grant request is February 1



• Please verify your school is “not for profit” and holds AWSNA/WECAN full membership status.

   We do not fund Charter Schools.


• Teacher training is a priority; however, schools can also apply for aid for special projects

   Capital Expense projects are generally beyond our funding ability.


• Include a statement of non-discriminatory policies regarding hiring and admissions. 
   Include proof of a 501(c)(3). These also are kept on file.


• Please include enrollment numbers for the last two years for each grade.


• Include the amount of funding requested with a budget stating the intended use of funds.


• If grant funds are to continue an established program, explain why support from this foundation is sought.
   If funding is for a new program, describe why it is outside of the institution’s ongoing budget. 

   Are other grants being sought for this purpose.


• Include information on specific dates funding is necessary, if that is the case.

   Please give a brief statement of any DEI programs or activities being offered.


• Include a DEI statement and programs/coursework/activity on campus.


• The deadline for receiving a grant application is February 1.



For all who receive a grant we request a full report of how our grant funds were used.
Are you ready to fill out the application?


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